Test SMTP ports connection from PHP server

Upload this script in php file in root of web server:

// IMPORTANT NOTE - This script is for troubleshooting purposes only, it should *NOT* be used in production code and should be removed from your webserver once you have finished troubleshooting.
// DESCRIPTION - This script will test DNS resolution, connectivity, port availability and SMTP credentials with the AuthSMTP network.
// INSTRUCTION - Please update the username and password below, upload this script to your webserver and then go to the page in a browser.

$smtp_user = "contact@rdcc.ro"; // ACTION REQUIRED - Replace with your AuthSMTP username (acXXXXX)
$smtp_pass = "eeshah8iN1fu"; // ACTION REQUIRED - Replace with your AuthSMTP SMTP password
$plain_text = false; // We will not use plain text authentication because it is insecure, true = use plain text (AUTH LOGIN)

// !!!!!!! -------- Please do not edit below this line -------- !!!!!!!


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<title>AuthSMTP - Diagnostics</title>
				font-family: sans-serif;
		// ==== Set some default values ====
		$smtp_user_b64 = base64_encode($smtp_user);
		$smtp_pass_b64 = base64_encode($smtp_pass);
		$smtp_host	= "mail.mkdata.ro";
		$smtp_ip	= gethostbyname($smtp_host);
		$smtp_ports	= array("25","80","587","465");
		$available_ports = array();
		// ==== Test DNS resolution / connectivity ====
		echo("<h3>======== Testing DNS resolution and connectivity ========</h3>");

		$test_dns = gethostbyname($smtp_host);
		if( preg_match('/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/', $test_dns ) ){
			echo("<p>Correctly resolved SMTP hostname (".$smtp_host.")</p>");

			// ==== Try pinging the network (may not be reliable) ====
			exec("ping -c 1 ".$smtp_host, $output, $retval);

			if( !isset($output[1]) ){
				$output[1] = ""; // If not result just add a fake value so we can evaluate something.

			// ==== Check if we got a valid ping response ====
			if(	preg_match('/[0-9]{2}\sbytes\sfrom\smail\.authsmtp\.com\s\(([0-9\.]{11,15})\):\sicmp_seq=1\sttl=[0-9]{1,2}\stime=([0-9\.]{1,6})\sms/', $output[1], $results ) ){
				echo ("<p>Successfully pinged ".$smtp_host." in ".$results[2]." milliseconds.</p>");
				echo ("<pCould not ping ".$smtp_host." - this may indicate a connectivity issue with your hosting account but could so just mean you don't have access to the ping command or pings may be blocked - we will continue anyway...</p>");
			exit("<p>Unable to resolve SMTP hostname (".$smtp_host.") - you appear to have a DNS resolution issue with your hosting account.</p>");

		// ==== Test SMTP Ports ====
		echo("<h3>======== Testing available SMTP ports ========</h3>");

		foreach( $smtp_ports as $port ){
			if( $socket = fsockopen($smtp_host,$port,$errno,$errstr,2) ){
				echo ("<p>Port ".$port." is open</p>");
				$available_ports[] = $port;
				echo ("<p>Port ".$port." is NOT open (".$errno." / ".$errstr.")</p>");

		// ==== If we have no available ports exit ====
		if( count($available_ports) == 0 ){
			exit("<p class=\"red\">None of the SMTP ports that we provide are open on your hosting account - please contact your hosting provider and request that they open one of the ports listed above.</p>");
		echo("<h3>======== Testing your SMTP username and password ========</h3>");

		// ==== Open a connection to test SMTP credentials ====
		if( $socket = fsockopen($smtp_host,$available_ports[0],$errno,$errstr,2) ){
			echo("<p>Opened connection to ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]."</p>");
			exit("<p class=\"red\">Could not open connection to ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]."</p>");

		// ==== Receive helo and check we are not being proxied ====
		$buffer1 = fgets($socket);
		if( preg_match('/^220\smail\.authsmtp\.com/', $buffer1) ){
			echo("<p>Received helo from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]."</p>");
			echo("<p class=\"red\">RECEIVED: ".$buffer1."</p>");
			exit("<p class=\"red\">Unexpected response from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]." (was expecting helo)</p>");

		// ==== Send EHLO ====
		$next_string = "EHLO test.example.com";
		if( fwrite($socket, $next_string."\r\n") ){
			echo("<p>WRITE: ".$next_string."</p>");
			exit("<p class=\"red\">WRITE: ".$next_string." (FAIlED/EXITING)</p>");
		// ==== Receive welcome banner ====
		if( $buffer1 = stream_get_line($socket, 2048, "HELP") ){
			echo("<p>Received welcome banner response from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]."</p>");
			exit("<p class=\"red\">Unexpected response from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]." (was expecting welcome banner)</p>");
		// ==== Using hashed password ====
		if( $plain_text === false ){
			$algos = hash_algos();
			if( !in_array("md5", $algos) ){ // Check the MD5 algorithm is available
				exit("<p class=\"red\">The MD5 hashing algorithm is not available on this hosting service - unable to securely test SMTP authentication, to enable plain text authentication please set the variable 'plain_text' to 'true' at the start of the script.</p>");


				echo("<p>Securely testing SMTP credentials with <b>hashed password</b> authentication.</p>");


			// === Send AUTH CRAM-MD5 ====
			$next_string = "AUTH CRAM-MD5";
			if( fwrite($socket, $next_string."\r\n") ){

				echo("<p>WRITE: ".$next_string."</p>");


				exit("<p class=\"red\">WRITE: ".$next_string." (FAIlED/EXITING)</p>");


			// ==== Receive MD5 Challenge ====
			$buffer1 = fgets($socket); // Not actually used for anything
			$buffer2 = fgets($socket);

			// ==== Build MD5 Challenge Response ====
			$md5_chal = explode(" ", $buffer2);
			if( $md5_chal[0] == "334" ){
				echo("<p>Received MD5 challenge from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]."</p>");
				$md5_pass = hash_hmac( 'md5', base64_decode($md5_chal[1]), $smtp_pass );
				$md5_resp = base64_encode($smtp_user." ".$md5_pass);
				exit("<p class=\"red\">Unexpected response from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]." (was expecting MD5 challenge)</p>");

			// ==== Send MD5 Challenge Response ====
			$next_string = $md5_resp;
			if( fwrite($socket, $next_string."\r\n") ){
				echo("<p>WRITE: MD5 Challenge Response</p>");
				exit("<p class=\"red\">WRITE: MD5 Challenge Response (FAIlED/EXITING)</p>");

			// ==== Evaluate the response ====
			$buffer1 = fgets($socket);
			if( preg_match('/235\s2\.0\.0\sOK\sAuthenticated/', $buffer1) ){
				echo("<p class=\"green\">SUCCESS - Username and password are correct.</p>");
			}elseif( preg_match('/535\s5\.7\.0\sauthentication\sfailed/', $buffer1) ){
				echo("<p class=\"red\">FAIL - Username and / or password are incorrect.</p>");
				echo("<p class=\"blue\">HELP - If you are unsure of your AuthSMTP SMTP password you can reset it via the 'SMTP Settings' page in the <a href=\"https://www.authsmtp.com/login/\">control panel</a></p>");
				echo("<p class=\"red\">ERROR - Received unexpected response - '".$buffer1."'.</p>");

		// Using plain text authentication
		if( $plain_text === true ){
			echo("<p>Testing SMTP credentials with <b>plain text</b> authentication.</p>");
			// === Send AUTH LOGIN ====
			$next_string = "AUTH LOGIN";
			if( fwrite($socket, $next_string."\r\n") ){
				echo("<p>WRITE: ".$next_string."</p>");
				exit("<p class=\"red\">WRITE: ".$next_string." (FAIlED/EXITING)</p>");

			// ==== Receive welcome banner ====
			$buffer1 = fgets($socket); // Not actually used for anything
			$buffer2 = fgets($socket);
			if( preg_match('/Username:/', base64_decode(substr($buffer2, 4)) ) ){
				echo("<p>Received username prompt from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]."</p>");
				exit("<p class=\"red\">Unexpected response from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]." (was expecting username prompt)</p>");

			// === Send Username ====
			$next_string = $smtp_user_b64;
			if( fwrite($socket, $next_string."\r\n") ){
				echo("<p>WRITE: Encoded username</p>");
				exit("<p class=\"red\">WRITE: Encoded username (FAIlED/EXITING)</p>");
			$buffer1 = fgets($socket);
			if( preg_match('/Password:/', base64_decode(substr($buffer1, 4)) ) ){
				echo("<p>Received password response from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]."</p>");
				exit("<p class=\"red\">Unexpected response from ".$smtp_host." on port ".$available_ports[0]." (was expecting password prompt)</p>");

			// === Send Password ====
			$next_string = $smtp_pass_b64;
			if( fwrite($socket, $next_string."\r\n") ){
				echo("<p>WRITE: Encoded password</p>");
				exit("<p class=\"red\">WRITE: Encoded password (FAIlED/EXITING)</p>");
			$buffer1 = fgets($socket);
			if( preg_match('/235\s2\.0\.0\sOK\sAuthenticated/', $buffer1) ){
				echo("<p class=\"green\">SUCCESS - Username and password are correct.</p>");
			}elseif( preg_match('/535\s5\.7\.0\sauthentication\sfailed/', $buffer1) ){
				echo("<p class=\"red\">FAIL - Username and /or password are incorrect.</p>");
				echo("<p class=\"blue\">HELP - If you are unsure of your AuthSMTP SMTP password you can reset it via the 'SMTP Settings' page in the <a href=\"https://www.authsmtp.com/login/\">control panel</a></p>");
				echo("<p class=\"red\">ERROR - Received unexpected response - '".$buffer1."'.</p>");
		<p class="orange"><b>IMPORTANT: Don't forget to remove the script from your server once you have finished!</b>